Dojechalismy. Lot w sumie ok. Siedzialam z milym brazyliczykiem ktory jak sie okazalo byl w Neapolu w tym samym czasie co ja:) Podrozuje duzo. Powidzial mi ze kiedys mial do wyboru samochod albo podroze ...i dalej ma stary rower. przepraw przez lotnisko zajela nam 1,5 h. Najpierw dluga kolejka do kontroli paszportowej a pozniej dlugo czekalismy na walizki. Wtedy myslalam ze to juz koniec ale niestety ... kolejna kolejka do odprawy bagarzu na celnym. Wreszcie udalo nam sie wyjsc i zaczerpnac swiezego powietrza.
We got on time Rio. Our flight was long but not to bad. I had nice company during all way . The guy who was sitting next to me was brazilian and he was coming back from his holidays. At the end we realized how small is this world. He was in Napes at the same time as I was:) He told me that he loved to travel and that one day he had a choice : to buy a car or to travel. He still has his old bike:) it was a long way for us to leave the airport. At first there was a long to the pass control and then it took quite long time to collect our luggage . it as not the end. After that I had to queue another 30 min in customs. Finally we went out and it was the time to enjoy nice weather.:)